14 Synonyms for “Express Yourself”

Are you looking for ways to talk about how to express oneself?

However, you’re a little worried the phrase is rude or informal, right?

Well, you’ve come to the right place for further assistance.

This article will show you how to say “express yourself” in different situations to ensure you get the tone right.

Other Ways to Say “Express Yourself”

  • Communicate your thoughts
  • Make yourself heard
  • Share your feelings
  • Articulate yourself
  • Convey your emotions
  • Voice your opinions
  • Speak your mind
  • Unleash your thoughts
  • Project your ideas
  • Display your perspective
  • What are you feeling?
  • How do you feel?
  • Talk about your emotions
  • Let your feelings out


  • “Express yourself” is correct and works well when encouraging people to speak out about how they feel.
  • “Communicate your thoughts” is great to use as a formal synonym when you want to mix things up.
  • Try “make yourself heard” as an informal alternative to help you explore other contexts in your writing.

Keep reading to learn different ways to say “express yourself.” We’ve explained more about the best formal and informal alternatives to show you how to put them to use.

Also, the final section will explain whether “express yourself” is correct. So, if you want to learn more about it, you should skip ahead to see if you can include it in your writing.

Communicate Your Thoughts (Formal)

We recommend using “communicate your thoughts” as another way to say “express yourself.”

It’s a great way to encourage someone to express feelings they might be having. It works best when you know someone isn’t saying everything and want to encourage them to open up.

You can try using it when emailing an employee. You might have made some changes to the workplace lately and want to hear their thoughts. This is a good way to get them to be honest.

Here’s a helpful email sample if you still need to understand it:

Dear Marie,

I’d like you to communicate your thoughts on this change.

I’m open to any suggestions you might have, even if you think they’re bad.

Kind regards,
Joe Schmidt

It’s not just applicable to emails, though.

You can also use it in a resume or cover letter. Of course, you should change it to “communicate my thoughts” to show you’re talking about yourself.

So, this CV sample should help you to understand it more:

I tend to communicate my thoughts well when everyone else is scared to. Otherwise, my ideas might get overlooked.

Make Yourself Heard (Informal)

Feel free to write “make yourself heard” as a word for expressing yourself clearly.

Try it when writing to a coworker. It’s an encouraging and kind way to show that you want them to open up and share their thoughts and feelings.

Generally, it’s a good way to bolster a relationship with one of your coworkers. They’ll be thankful that you pushed them and used a phrase like this in your email.

Also, this example should clear some things up about how to use it:

Hey Mathew,

You should make yourself heard if you want things to change!

They’ll listen to you, but you’re going to need to put yourself out there.

Best wishes,
Stacey Tobyn

You can also use this to discuss your ability to express yourself. It shows you do what you can to share your opinions and ensure people know what you’ve got to share.

Therefore, it works quite well in an essay talking about your skills or abilities. You might have been tasked to write something like this at school, and we recommend this phrase to help.

This essay sample should also help you with it:

I like to make myself heard whenever possible. That’s why I’m proud of the steps I took to get here.

Is It Correct to Say “Express Yourself”?

It is correct to say “express yourself.”

It’s also good to express yourself. So, you should try to include a phrase like this when you want people to know you’re happy to let your feelings out and discuss your ideas.

Here’s a helpful example to show you more about how it works:

You should express yourself more. Then, people will be happier to hear what you have to say.

Generally, it’s good to write it in a resume. After all, it shows you’re happy to explain your ideas and let people know what you have to contribute.

However, if you want to include it in a resume, you should switch it to “express myself.”

You can review this resume sample to learn how to use “express myself” in a sentence:

I have the ability to express myself in a working environment. So, I’m sure I can bring a lot to the table here.

You should bookmark this page before you go, though! Then, you can always come back here to remind yourself of the best synonyms to replace “express yourself.”