They say you should speak your mind, but this is easier said than done!
So, if you’re looking for another way to say “mental state,” we’re here to help!
Below, we’ll discuss how to say “mental state” using different words. So, stick around to learn more!
Mental State Synonyms
- Frame of mind
- Headspace
- State of mind
- Disposition
- Mindset
- Mood
- Mental condition
- Psychological state
- Cognitive state
- Emotional state
- Demeanor
- Temperament
- Perspective
- Attitude
- Mental processes
- “Mental state” is a grammatically correct phrase, but you should use it cautiously in most settings.
- “Frame of mind” is a more professional way to say “mental state” in formal circumstances.
- In a more casual setting, you can use the word “headspace.”
Stick around! In the next section, we’ll discuss our top formal and informal synonyms for “mental state” in greater detail. We’ll even provide some helpful examples!
After that, we’ll consider whether the phrase “mental state” is correct and when you can use it.
Frame of Mind (Formal)
“Frame of Mind” is a better way to say “mental state” in a formal setting.
The main benefit of this formal synonym is that it is very tactful. This is important when you’re discussing someone’s mental health.
In addition, it employs a suitably serious tone without being too clinical.
After all, you’ll want to avoid discussing someone’s “mental state” if you’re not qualified in the arena of mental health. This may come across as overstepping.
However, “frame of mind” is a much more vague and open-ended statement. Therefore, it can refer to a person’s mental health, but also simply their mood or disposition.
In short, you can use “frame of mind” at your job, even if you don’t work in the medical or psychiatric health industry.
Let’s see an email example illustrating how you can use this phrase at work:
Dear Janine,
I completely understand.
We can hold the meeting once Mr. Patten is in a better frame of mind.
Kind regards,
As you can see, “frame of mind” also implies that the person’s mental state is not permanent.
This will sound more gracious and considerate, especially if the person in question is having a difficult time mentally or emotionally.
Consider this example sentence to see what we mean:
Her frame of mind has been an obstacle lately.
Headspace (Informal)
Another word for “mental state” is “headspace.”
This is a great choice if you want to discuss your or someone else’s mental state in a nice way.
This synonym comes across as more casual than some of the others on our list. However, it would still be appropriate to use it at work occasionally.
After all, you can use less formal phrasing when you’re speaking to your coworkers or emailing someone with whom you have a friendly relationship.
You can even use it when discussing your own mental health with a superior in some work settings. However, this will depend on the culture of your office.
“Headspace” is a better phrase than “mental state” because it comes across as more polite and less harsh than the original.
Therefore, let’s see how you can use it in an example:
I just need to get into a better headspace before I take on a project of that size again.
Next, check out how you might use it in a sample email:
Dear Rajesh,
Good point. I’ll check whether the client is in the right headspace about the investment first.
Kind regards,
Is It Correct to Say “Mental State”?
The phrase “mental state” is grammatically correct. However, we would recommend using it with caution in any setting.
Primarily, mental wellness is a very sensitive issue. Therefore, we should avoid discussing anyone’s “mental state” unless we are qualified to do so.
Of course, you’re welcome to use this phrase when discussing your own “mental state” if you are comfortable with this phrasing.
However, you should avoid using this phrase in a professional setting, unless you work in an industry that has to do with mental health preservation.
Nevertheless, “mental state” is okay to use in a more casual setting. It’s not rude or derogatory in any way.
Therefore, if you want to use the original phrase instead of one of our synonyms, here are some examples of how you might do so:
- Bad mental state
- Good mental state
- Poor mental state
- Unstable mental state
- Healthy mental state
If our list of synonyms has helped to quell your mental state, go ahead and bookmark this page so you have no problem finding it in the future!