What Do You Call a Person Who Corrects Others?

We’ve all met someone who corrects others over anything and everything, seemingly out of habit. But is there a word for such a person in the English language?

Below, we’ve compiled a list of great terms and phrases for someone who picks away at everything you say. So, read on to learn more!

Words for a Person Who Corrects Others

  • Pendant
  • Nitpicker
  • Censorious
  • Chronic critic
  • Compulsive corrector
  • Perfectionist
  • Officious
  • Dogmatist
  • Formalist
  • Finicky
  • Scrupulous
  • Fussy
  • Fastidious


  • A “pedant” is someone who fixates on small details in a frustrating manner.
  • You can call someone who compulsively corrects others a “nitpicker.”
  • A “censorious” person is extremely critical of other people.

Stay right there! In the next section, we’ll discuss our top three words for a person who corrects others in more detail. We’ll even show you how to use our choices in a couple of helpful example sentences!


The Cambridge Dictionary defines a “pedant” as “a person who is too interested in formal rules and small details that are not important.”

Therefore, if you say something to a “pedant,” they may correct your pronunciation of a word. Alternatively, they may focus on something unimportant rather than addressing your overall point. Highly annoying!

The word “pedant” comes from the Italian word pedante meaning “teacher” or “schoolmaster.” Therefore, this term conjures the image of a stern figure who constantly corrects you or others over your minor errors.

“Pedants” can be very frustrating to talk to since they are very uncharitable in arguments. They will fixate on some small detail rather than consider the purpose of the conversation.

For example, let’s see this term in a few sentences:

He believes himself a connoisseur of the English language but, at the end of the day, he’s just an annoying pedant.

I found her to be an obnoxious pedant and, frankly, a total bore to talk to.


Another word for a person who is always correcting everyone is “nitpicker.”

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a “nitpicker” is “someone who finds faults in details that are not important.” Therefore, this is essentially a synonym for pedant.”

The term “nitpicker” was initially military jargon. However, it is now used as a word to describe someone who always feels the need to correct others over minor issues.

A “nitpicker” may think their corrections are helpful. But they are, in fact, very unhelpful since they are too focused on unimportant matters.

Have a look at how we’ve used this term in a couple of examples:

Not to be a nitpicker, but that painting over there is just a tiny bit skew and it’s driving me crazy.

I don’t want to work with Clause; he’s a complete nitpicker and nothing I do is ever good enough.


Someone with a compulsion to correct others can also be described as “censorious.”

The Cambridge Dictionary defines “censorious” as “often criticizing other people.”

Therefore, this term is a tad more severe than someone who simply corrects people over minor mistakes out of habit.

A “censorious” person is usually hypercritical and very derisive of anyone that they deem incorrect. They constantly offer unsolicited critiques on things, even if those critiques aren’t fair or necessary.

Therefore, this is a good word for someone who has a generally critical attitude and no real interest in being helpful.

Check out the example sentences below:

I have a very censorious family, so I’ve developed a thick skin over the years.

She gave some censorious comments on my last draft, and I haven’t decided whether there is anything constructive amongst all the profanity.