What Do You Call a Person Who Shares Knowledge?

Where would we be without all the people in the world who keep us informed and critical?

If you’re looking for one word that describes a person who shares knowledge, either as a job or because they simply like to do so, you’ve come to the right place!

We love to share knowledge ourselves! And to prove it, we’ve provided 10 great terms that you can call a person who shares their knowledge with others. So, read on!

Words for a Person Who Shares Knowledge

  • Mentor
  • Educator
  • Pundit
  • Instructor
  • Maven
  • Teacher
  • Educator
  • Pedagogue
  • Tutor
  • Coach
  • Professor
  • Boffin


  • A “mentor” is a person who shares their knowledge or experience with an inexperienced younger person to aid in their personal or professional development.
  • An “educator” is someone who shares knowledge or teaches as a career.
  • A “pundit” is an expert in a certain field who is often approached to give their opinion on a certain situation, especially on the news or in other public forums.

Keep reading! In the next section, we’ll discuss our top three words for a person who shares knowledge in more detail.

Moreover, we’ll show you how to use each of our choices in some helpful example sentences.


“Mentor” is a good word for someone who shares knowledge with the younger generation.

After all, the Cambridge Dictionary defines a “mentor” as “a person who gives a younger or less experienced person help and advice over a period of time, especially at work or school.”

In short, a “mentor” uses their increased life experience to guide younger people through the trickiest aspects of life.

For example, they may advise a youngster who is about to make an important life decision. Perhaps, about their academic or career pursuits.  

A “mentor” may also train a young person in a particular field and teach them certain skills. Moreover, the word “mentor” can refer to more experienced members in a professional setting who assist junior members in their daily work.

Therefore, the word “mentor” has very positive connotations.

Let’s see how to use this term in a couple of example sentences:

Refilwe has been my friend and mentor for a number of years; I can’t imagine where I would be right now without his guidance.

I would encourage you to be a mentor to Bethany, as I believe she may surpass even your skills with some training.


The Cambridge Dictionary defines an “educator” as “a person whose work is teaching others, or one who is an authority on methods or theories of teaching.”

Therefore, this is a good word to describe someone who shares information as part of their job. This is a very tonally neutral phrase with neither expressly positive nor negative connotations.

Therefore, you can use it to refer to a teacher, a professor, or anyone else who likes to teach or shares knowledge as their main line of work.

For instance:

Mr. Keelie is a prominent arts educator who has frequently advocated for greater funding toward humanities subjects.

Our educators are an essential component of our society, and to underpay them is a disservice both to them and to our youths.


Another word for someone who likes to share knowledge is “pundit.”

The Cambridge Dictionary defines a “pundit” as “a person who knows a lot about a particular subject and is therefore often asked to give an opinion about it.”

A “pundit” will often share their knowledge and opinions about their field of expertise with the public through the mass media.

For example, an expert on politics may be called onto a news channel to give their expert opinion about the political happenings in their country.

Similarly, in a show or podcast about music, a music expert may be called to discuss their knowledge and share their skills with the audience.

 Finally, let’s see this phrase in a couple of example sentences:

Carlisle, our top sociology pundit, provided some expertise on the topic during our last discussion.

Football pundits have had conflicting opinions over the fairness of that infamous yellow card for over a decade.