What Do You Call Someone Who Is Good at Everything?

We all know someone who just seems to float through life, doing amazing things and making us all feel comparatively sub-par. But, then again, who doesn’t love a talented soul?

So, if you’re trying to figure out what to call someone who is good at everything, have a look at the list below!

Words for a Person Who Is Good at Everything

  • Jack of all trades
  • Renaissance person
  • Multitalented
  • Polymath
  • Versatile
  • Multipotentialite
  • Multifaceted
  • Skilled
  • Masterful
  • Competent
  • Proficient
  • Adept
  • Gifted


  • A “jack-of-all-trades” is a handy person who can manage all kinds of odd jobs.
  • A “renaissance person” is someone who has mastered all kinds of different skills.
  • A person who has many natural talents is “multitalented.”

Don’t click away! In the next section, we’ll discuss our favorite words for someone who is good at everything in more detail.

We’ll provide some helpful example sentences to boot!


 “Jack-of-all-trades” is a nickname for someone who is good at everything (but perhaps not masterful at anything).

The Cambridge Dictionary defines a “jack-of-all-trades” as “someone who can do many different jobs.”

Therefore, this is a great phrase to include in your resume if you are applying for a hands-on role at a job where a range of skills is preferred.

These days, this term is used in a fairly positive way to refer to someone with many capabilities. However, it can be used in a more derisive way since this phrase is only half of the saying “jack of all trades, master of none.”

Nevertheless, many employers would consider your being reasonably good at most things a plus!

Therefore, let’s see a few example sentences making use of this phrase:

Keelie is the jack-of-all-trades at this organization, so feel free to ask her for help at any time.

I would describe myself as a jack-of-all-trades, but I have a particular affinity for carpentry.

Renaissance Person

Merriam-Webster defines a “renaissance person” as “a person who has wide interests and is an expert in several areas.”

Therefore, you can use this phrase to describe a person who can do everything, especially if they do many things at an expert level. In other words, they have profound competence in an array of different fields and areas.

This phrase was originally coined in reference to the countless great artists and inventors of the Renaissance period. DaVinci, for example, was a sculptor, painter, mathematician, botanist, leatherworker, woodworker – the list goes on!

As such, being good at many things doesn’t quite suffice. A “renaissance person” is both versatile and masterful in their pursuits.

So, to see this impressive title in a few examples, check out the sentences below:

Cheryl is a true renaissance person – I can think of no task or skill that I haven’t seen her do proficiently.

A typical renaissance person, Bill was never satisfied with just one career path. 


As the name implies, a “multitalented” person is a person with, well, many talents.

Interestingly, the Cambridge Dictionary defines “multitalented” as “having many natural abilities.” From this, we can see that the word “multitalented” has some specific connotations.

Namely, “multitalented” is a word for someone who is highly annoying to the rest of us in that they are just naturally good at everything.

While the rest of us work our behinds off trying to develop new skills and abilities, the “multitalented” person is just born with feet good for running, a voice good for singing, and hands built for creation!

Good for them. They’re annoying. But good for them.

Therefore, let’s see a couple of example sentences making use of this term:

Jessica is a multitalented student and she has decided to undertake seven majors this year.

It’s wonderful to be multitalented, but it makes choosing the right path in life rather tricky.