What Do You Call Your Son-In-Law’s Parents?

It’s wonderful when two families come together, but there is one downside. What on earth are you meant to call the parents of your child’s spouse?

If you have a family event coming up and are worried about saying the wrong thing, fret not, because we’re here to help!

Below, you’ll find some great terms for your kid’s in-laws, so stick around!

Words for Your Son-In-Law’s Parents

  • Co-parents-in-law
  • (My child’s) in-laws
  • Son-in-law’s family
  • Sympatheroi (Greek)
  • Machatunim (Yiddish)
  • Consuergos (Spanish)
  • Son-in-law’s parents
  • Their names


  • “Co-parents-in-law” is a funny term for the parents of your child’s spouse.
  • To keep things clear and straightforward, you can simply say “(my child’s) in-laws.”
  • You can also call your child’s in-laws your “son-in-law’s family.”

Keep reading to see a more detailed discussion about each of our favorite terms for the in-laws of your kid. We’ll even provide some useful example sentences!


If you’re wondering what to call your child’s spouse’s parents (oh my!), a fun, tongue-in-cheek option is “co-parents-in-law”.

According to the Wiktionary, a “co-parents-in-law” is “a parent of one’s son- or daughter-in-law, that is, a parent-in-law of one’s son or daughter.”

In other words, it’s just a funny way to refer to your son’s wife’s parents or daughter’s husband’s parents or daughter’s wife’s parents – whatever the case may be!

The use of the term “co-parent” lets others know that you consider yourself and the parents of your child’s spouse the co-parents of both your child and theirs. After all, it takes a village to raise two married adults!

Although this term is undeniably humorous, it’s a sweet way to let other people know that your families have joined together.

Moreover, it lets your fellow “co-parents-in-law” know that you view their son or daughter as one of your own and trust them to do the same.

Thus, let’s have a look at a couple of example sentences making use of this phrase:

I’d like to introduce you to my co-parents-in-law, Gregg, and Shahid.

We’re visiting our co-parents-in-law next June.

(My Child’s) In-laws

A very simple option when you’re figuring out what to call your daughter-in-law’s parents is to simply say “(my child’s) in-laws.”

By this, we mean you can say “my son’s in-laws” or “my daughter’s in-laws” or “my child’s in-laws” or “my spawn’s in-laws.”

It’s really a matter of preference! You can even use your child’s name if you’re not speaking to a stranger.

This would be a far more recognizable way to introduce your child’s in-laws at a social event, as most people probably haven’t heard the phrase “co-parent-in-law” before.

Therefore, take a look at the example sentences below to see this phrase in action:

Bev, I’d like you to meet Zoe’s in-laws, Jasper and Hila.

My husband is over there, and there by the corner are my child’s in-laws.

Son-in-law’s Family

The phrase “my child’s mother-in-law and father-in-law” doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue.

So, if you’re looking to introduce the folks of your kid’s spouse, you can simply call them your “son-in-law’s family” or “daughter-in-law’s family.”

Of course, “family” can mean a great many things. Nevertheless, the first definition provided by Merriam-Webster for “family” is “the basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents rearing their children.”

Therefore, you shouldn’t worry about causing confusion when using the word “family” to refer to just your son-in-law’s parents. Most English speakers will know precisely what you mean from context.

Thus, let’s see this phrase in a couple of example sentences:

Patricia, this is my son-in-law’s family.

We’re finally going to meet our son-in-law’s family over the holidays.