13 Synonyms for “Challenge”

Are you looking for suitable noun replacements for a difficult task or “challenge”?

Perhaps you’re worried the word “challenge” is overused or doesn’t give off the right tone.

It’s okay! That’s what we’re here to help with.

This article will teach you how to say “challenge” in different situations.

Other Ways to Say “Challenge”

  • Obstacle
  • Hurdle
  • Trial
  • Difficulty
  • Dilemma
  • Struggle
  • Conundrum
  • Problem
  • Adversity
  • Contest
  • Hardship
  • Confrontation
  • Setback


  • “Challenge” is a great noun that suggests something is difficult to achieve or complete.
  • You can use “obstacle” as a professional synonym if you’re trying to mix things up.
  • “Hurdle” works well as a more informal alternative if that suits your writing better.

You should keep reading to learn a better word for “challenge.” We’ve explored more regarding the best two options we could come up with to help you spice up your life!

Also, the final section explains whether “challenge” is correct. So, you can always read ahead if this applies to you and you want to understand if it’s acceptable for your writing.

Obstacle (Formal)

We recommend starting with “obstacle” as another way to say “challenge.” It’s a fantastic synonym to use in business contexts when describing a difficult task.

For the most part, it keeps things professional and sincere.

So, when you include something like this, it suggests you’re having a hard time completing something.

Let’s say you use this when emailing a professor. This is a great way to let them know you’ve hit a minor bump in the road during your assignment, but you’re trying to work through it.

It’s worth checking out this example to learn a bit more about it if you’re still unsure:

Dear Mr. Tater,

I’ve reached an obstacle at the moment that I’m having difficulty navigating.

However, I should be back on track by the end of the week.

All the best,
Sara Harding

Also, it’s good to use this in an essay to describe a hardship. It’s often a great way to entice an essay reader and let them know how you handle difficult situations when they arise.

So, check out this essay example to learn a bit more about how it works:

This obstacle was tricky to overcome, but I eventually did it. Now, I’m not sure what else can slow me down.

Hurdle (Informal)

For a more positive synonym, you can write “hurdle.” This is excellent as a more informal alternative.

It keeps things less serious when including something like this in your writing.

So, you can use it when contacting a coworker. It suggests that you’re currently struggling with something, but you don’t think it’s going to hinder you for too long.

For the most part, it keeps things conversational and light-hearted. That’s what makes this quite a good choice when you don’t want to draw too much attention to something tricky.

So, check out this email sample to learn a bit more about how it works:

Hey Mark,

I don’t want to worry you, but I’ve hit a bit of a hurdle.

I reckon I’ll have it sorted out before the end of the day, though.

Kind regards,
Kimberley Tanning

You may also find it useful to include this when texting an employee.

It suggests you’ve come across a problem relating to a work issue, but you felt it best to text if you were away from the office.

Perhaps this message sample will help you understand it a bit better:

I’ve just noticed a hurdle that you’re going to need to overcome! I’ll do what I can to help you through it if that’s easier, though.

Is It Correct to Say “Challenge”?

It is correct to say “challenge.” It means that something is particularly difficult or hard to achieve.

However, there are better words to use in business contexts. While it means something is difficult, it’s not always the best way to describe something you find hard to do.

You should also avoid it in a resume. For starters, it’s overused. But secondly, it’s also a bit generic and informal.

Therefore, it’s best to stick to using “challenge” when writing text messages or speaking more casually.

You can refer to this example to learn more about it:

It was quite a challenge, to be honest! I really didn’t know what I was going to do to get through the tasks!

Before you go, make sure you bookmark this page! Then, you can always come back here to remind yourself of the best synonyms for “challenge” when you want to mix things up.