17 Formal Synonyms for “Open Up”

Are you worried about how to say “open up” professionally?

Maybe you’re concerned that the phrase itself is too personal or private.

So, you might need to rely on this article to help you understand more formal phrases to include in your writing.

Well, we’ve gathered a great list of synonyms to help you with that!

Other Ways to Say “Open Up”

  • Disclose
  • Communicate
  • Reveal
  • Share
  • Divulge
  • Expose
  • Unveil
  • Express
  • Convey
  • Confide
  • Articulate
  • Manifest
  • Proclaim
  • Acknowledge
  • Admit
  • Broadcast
  • Publish


  • “Open up” is correct and works really well when sharing your feelings, but it’s not great formally.
  • “Disclose” is an excellent formal synonym that’ll help you to sound more appropriate in your writing.
  • “Communicate” is another great formal alternative if you’re trying to mix things up more.

So, keep reading to learn another word for “open up.” We’ve touched on the two best alternatives to give you a better idea of what works professionally.

You can also read the final section to learn whether it’s correct to say “open up.” Therefore, you might want to skip ahead and learn more if you think that’s more applicable to you.


It’s best to start with “disclose” as another way to say “open up.”

You can use this to discuss opening up to others and sharing information with them.

Generally, it works when contacting a client.

For instance, let’s say you’ve taken over their account from a previous colleague.

They might want to know more about why the change was made, but you might not be able to share more information because you don’t know what you can and can’t say.

You can also review the following email sample to learn a bit more about it:

Dear Ms. White,

I’m afraid they did not disclose anything about this to me before they left.

However, I will look into this matter further to see what I can find out.

All the best,
Rosie Danvers

You might also want to use something like this when writing an essay.

“Disclose” allows you to open up and share information. So, when it comes to essay writing, you can use it to share information that might help the reader understand some of your intentions.

Of course, if you still don’t get it, you should review the following essay sample:

I have explained all of this to disclose my genuine opinion on the matter. It’s important that you know my stance.


You can also use “communicate,” which is a more well-rounded alternative to “open up.”

Generally, this can relate to slowly opening up when you’re trying to share your feelings. Technically, this means it relates to opening up emotionally, even in the workplace.

Communication is everything at work. The more you communicate, the better you look as an employee.

So, it might be worth using this when expressing feelings to your boss. If you’re not happy with something, then this phrase is going to help you get your point across.

You can also review the following sample email to learn a bit more about it:

Dear Ms. Cassey,

I want to communicate my feelings regarding these changes more openly.

I’m afraid they aren’t suitable for me, so I don’t think I can continue with this project.

All the best,
Frank Anderson

You don’t just have to use it in emails, though.

It’s also good to use something like this in a resume. Generally, the better you are at showing you can communicate, the easier it will be when it comes to opening up opportunities.

This resume sample should help you if you still don’t get how it works:

I am able to communicate my thoughts and opinions openly. Therefore, I know this team leader role is good for me.

Is It Correct to Say “Open Up”?

It is correct to say “open up.”

However, it’s informal. So, we don’t recommend using something like this in an email.

Also, it doesn’t work well in a resume.

Instead, you can use it when texting friends.

So, you might want to review this message sample to learn a bit more about it:

You should open up more to talk about your feelings with her. I’m sure she’d understand what you’re thinking.

You also need to know the similarities between the following phrases:

  • Open up
  • Open

Both of them can refer to the same thing in this context.

However, “open up” adds more emphasis to the phrase. This can work much better if you want to make the idea of opening up more impactful.

Don’t forget to bookmark this page before you leave, though! Then, you can always come back here to remind yourself of the best synonyms for “open up.”