11 Other Ways to Say “Much Appreciated”

Are you worried about using “much appreciated” to end an email? Perhaps you’re wondering whether there are alternatives that work better professionally.

This article will look into the best synonyms for “much appreciated” that work at the end of an email or letter.

Other Ways to Say “Much Appreciated”

  • Thank you for your time
  • Thanks a lot
  • Thanks so much
  • We appreciate your hard work
  • Thank you for your time
  • All the best
  • Much love
  • Please accept my deepest thanks
  • Please accept my kind wishes
  • Kind regards
  • That is appreciated


  • “Much appreciated” is a good casual closer for an email or letter, so you should avoid it professionally.
  • “Thank you for your time” is a much more suitable professional alternative.
  • You can use “thanks a lot” to close more conversational emails.

There are some great synonyms available. Keep reading to learn more about them and how to use them in different situations.

You may also want to find out whether you can end an email with “much appreciated.” The final section will explain all there is to know about that.

Thank You for Your Time (Formal)

“Thank you for your time” is a great formal alternative to “much appreciated.” You should use it to close an email when you appreciate someone’s efforts.

For instance, you might use the phrase when emailing an employee you’ve asked to complete a task. It shows you are grateful that they are willing to help you with something. It’s a very polite way to close an email.

Alternatively, you may use it when emailing a client. If you have to make them wait for something, you can preemptively say “thank you for your time” as a respectful way to apologize for the delay.

You can use “thank you for your time” and “much appreciated” in similar situations. However, “thank you for your time” is more effective if you want to sound more professional.

The following example will demonstrate all you need to know:

Dear Patrice,

I am worried that things might not be solved by Tuesday. However, I appreciate you looking into the matters at hand.

Thank you for your time,

Dear Martin,

I’m so sorry that we have not completed your order. We are working tirelessly to remedy that.

Thank you for your time,
Scott Waltherson

Thanks a Lot (Informal)

“Thanks a lot” is an excellent informal synonym. You should use it to end an email when you want to sound more conversational and friendly.

For instance, you may want to say “thanks a lot” when emailing an employee in a less formal setting. If you have a good working relationship with your employees, you may get away with more informal language like “thanks a lot.”

It can show that you appreciate your employees when ending an email with “thanks a lot.” That’s a surefire way to boost morale in the workplace and show that you care.

We don’t recommend using “thanks a lot” over “much appreciated” in formal emails. “Thanks a lot” is a little too conversational, so it’s not the most effective choice professionally.

This example will help you understand it:

Hey Stacy,

I can tell that you’ve been working hard lately! It hasn’t gone unnoticed, so I want to offer you my appreciation!

Thanks a lot,

Can You End an Email With “Much Appreciated”?

You can end an email with “much appreciated.” It is proper English and works well in formal situations. However, it has its place, and sometimes you won’t be able to use it.

For instance, you should only say “much appreciated” when someone has helped you or done you a favor. It shows that you appreciate whatever they’ve done for you.

You may not want to use a term like “much appreciated” when emailing your boss. Unless you’re good friends with them, it’s not wise to use conversational language like “much appreciated” to close an email.

Here are a few other variations you can also use in emails:

  • Very much appreciated
  • Much appreciated, thanks
  • Thank you, much appreciated

As you can see, “thank you” and “much appreciated” appear in similar contexts. They both show gratitude and allow you to remain as polite as possible.

You don’t just have to end an email with “much appreciated,” either. For instance:

  • Your service hasn’t gone unnoticed, though. We admit it is much appreciated.
  • It would be much appreciated if you could get this sorted for me.
  • It will be much appreciated if you could get her on board.

Feel free to bookmark this page to remind yourself of the most useful synonyms. Then, you’ll always have some alternatives that allow you to mix up your email closers.