10 Other Ways to Say “Please Check”

Getting someone to check information with “please check” can sound a bit demanding. Luckily, this article will explain how to politely ask someone to check things through.

There are great phrases out there. “Please check” is one of them, but we’ve gathered some better ones that also work.

Other Ways to Say “Please Check”

  • Do you mind reviewing
  • Look through
  • Check out
  • Could you please review
  • Can you look at this for me
  • I would appreciate your review on this
  • What can you tell me about
  • Check and get back to me
  • I’d appreciate a review from you
  • Have you checked through it?


  • “Please check” is correct in most formal cases when you want someone to review something.
  • You can try “do you mind reviewing” for a polite and formal alternative.
  • “Look through” is a great conversational option to help mix things up.

Read on to learn how to say “please check” politely, then! We’ve explained more about the best two synonyms to show you how they work in different instances.

Or you may be more interested in the final section. If you’ve come to learn about “please check,” then you can skip ahead to learn all there is to know about how “please check” works.

Do You Mind Reviewing (Formal)

Trying to say “please check” in a formal way is easy with “do you mind reviewing.” It works well professionally because it checks to see whether someone is happy to do something before asking them to do so.

Since it’s quite polite, you’ll have a lot of luck with this phrase in business emails. You should try using it when asking an employee to help you with something. It’s a good way to ask them to check over something before finalizing any details.

We recommend using “do you mind reviewing” and “please check” in similar contexts. Both are very useful in most formal instances, so feel free to switch between them.

Here is an email sample to show you how it works:

Dear Martha,

Do you mind reviewing the notes from the meeting for me? I think we can still find a way to get out of this.

All the best,

Look Through (Informal)

You can always use “look through” if you want to sound a bit more casual. It’s a great phrase that suggests you’d like someone’s opinion or thoughts on something.

“Look through” is a conversational way to ask someone to “check” something. That’s why it works well when messaging colleagues you’re close to. It shows you would like a fresh set of eyes on something before finalizing any details.

Since it’s quite informal, you shouldn’t use “look through” instead of “please check” in formal emails. You should only use it in informal situations and emails when you want someone to review something.

This email example should clear a few things up:

Hey Davie,

Look through the information when you get a moment! You’ve got better eyes than I do to find these types of things.


Is It Correct to Say “Please Check”?

“Please check” is correct. You can use it in formal situations when you’d like someone to check over some information. It generally allows them to review the information and get back to you when they’ve found what you’ve asked them to look for.

It’s a very polite phrase. It’s worth using when you want to show a bit of respect toward an email recipient.

You can also use the following variations if you want to be more specific:

  • Please check your email
  • Please check it out
  • Could you please check it when you have time
  • Could you please check and confirm back
  • Could you please check and advise

Typically, “could you please” is a slightly more polite variation. It allows you to be more respectful toward the recipient.

Incidentally, you may also come across either of the following tenses:

  • Can you please check?
  • Could you please check?

Both “can” and “could” work. You can use either, though “could” typically works better in formal and polite situations. “Can” tends to sound slightly more impatient and demanding.

Don’t forget to bookmark this page to remind yourself of the best synonyms. Then, you’ll have plenty of options to replace “please check” in the future.