11 Other Ways to Say “Please Provide”

Are you looking for a formal way to say “please provide”? It’s worth knowing a few alternatives, so you can politely ask for more details.

Luckily, we’re here to help. This article has gathered the best synonyms to help you understand what to write instead.

Other Ways to Say “Please Provide”

  • Could you kindly send across
  • Can you give
  • Please send over
  • Please give
  • Could you please attach
  • Kindly attach
  • Kindly send me
  • Please send
  • If you have time, please provide
  • Could you provide
  • Do you mind sending me


  • “Please provide” is one of the most common phrases to include in a formal email.
  • You can say “could you kindly send across” to mix things up in formal writing.
  • “Can you give” is a great informal choice that works in more conversational emails.

Read on to learn more about the best options to replace “please provide.” There are some great synonyms available. We’ve touched on the best formal and informal ones to help.

Also, the final section will explore whether “please provide” is correct. If you’re interested in learning about that, you can skip ahead.

Could You Kindly Send Across (Formal)

“Could you kindly send across” is a great formal synonym. It might not be as common as “please provide,” but it’s an effective phrase if you want to be more polite.

You can use it when emailing an employee. It is a polite way to request information, especially if you’ve previously asked for it.

For instance, you might have met with the employee in person and asked for them to complete a task. You can follow up later in the week with “could you kindly send across” when you want to see what they’ve done with the task and whether it’s complete.

Since it’s a very polite phrase, we recommend using “could you kindly send across” in similar situations to “please provide.” Both are effective, though some argue that “could you kindly send across” is too wordy. Still, you can switch between the phrases to mix things up.

This example should help you understand more about it:

Dear Angelica,

Could you kindly send across the documents when you have a moment? I would like to review them briefly.


Can You Give (Informal)

“Can you give” is a simple and informal alternative that works well. You don’t have to say a lot when you want someone to send you something. “Can you give” is all you need to say. It’s not rude, either. That’s why it works well.

You can use “can you give” when emailing colleagues and requesting information. It shows that you need something from them. Asking them to “give” it to you is a simple way to sound friendly.

It might not be as polite as “please provide,” but it’s still effective. You can even use it formally in some instances. Though, there are definitely better phrases to use that sound slightly more professional.

You can switch between “can you give” and “please provide” in formal emails if you want. They are both decent options, though you might want to look at an entirely different synonym to mix things up professionally.

Here is an example to help you understand it:

Hey Greg,

Can you give me his full name and address? I’d like to contact him directly to see if he’s still interested.

All the best,

Is It Correct to Say “Please Provide”?

It is correct to say “please provide.” It’s very common to see in business contexts, as it is a clear and concise way to ask for something.

You can use it in formal emails when requesting information.

Generally, people will write something like this following:

  • Please provide the attachment
  • Please provide the document

It will usually refer to a specific document or attachment. There are other instances when “please provide” might apply to something else (like a certificate or ID number), but mostly it relates to an attachment.

That’s why it’s so much more common in formal emails than anywhere else. You might expect many attachments in informal emails or messages, so “please provide” won’t be as useful.

Bookmark this page to remind yourself of the best synonyms. Then, you will have some great options to select when you need to replace “please provide” in your emails.