So, you want to show your appreciation to someone for sharing their input with you.
However, you’re worried that “thank you for your input” is generic or unprofessional.
You’ve come to the right place to determine whether that’s the case.
This article has gathered some synonyms to teach you how to say “thank you for your input” in an email.
Other Ways to Say “Thank You for Your Input”
- I appreciate your valuable contribution
- Thanks for sharing your thoughts
- Your input has been incredibly helpful
- I’m grateful for your perspective
- Thank you for your valuable feedback
- Your thoughts are much appreciated
- I’m thankful for your input
- I value your opinion on this
- Thanks so much for your contribution
- I’m so glad you shared your thoughts
- Your input has given me much to consider
- I appreciate your point of view
- “Thank you for your input” is correct and acceptable in formal writing after receiving feedback.
- You can write “I appreciate your valuable contribution” as a formal alternative to help you mix things up.
- “Thanks for sharing your thoughts” is great as an informal synonym when necessary.
So, keep reading to learn what to say instead of “thank you for your input.” We’ve covered the best formal and informal choices to show you what works best in different contexts.
Alternatively, you can read the final section to learn whether the original phrase is correct. Then, you’ll know whether it’s acceptable to include it in your writing in the first place.
I Appreciate Your Valuable Contribution (Formal)
We’ll start with “I appreciate your valuable contribution.” This professional synonym is a great way to let someone know how grateful you are to hear their feedback.
It’s sincere and direct. So, you can’t go wrong with it when you’ve reached out to someone for help.
For instance, you can use it when thanking your boss for input on your projects. It lets them know that you’re happy to receive their criticism, especially if you’re going to use it.
So, feel free to review this email sample to learn more about how it works:
Dear Miss White,
I appreciate your valuable contribution to my project.
I’ll certainly take what you’ve said on board and see what I can do with it.
Best regards,
Danny Treadmill
Thanks for Sharing Your Thoughts (Informal)
For something more informal, you can write “thanks for sharing your thoughts.” This is a friendly way to show someone how much you appreciate their input.
For the most part, this phrase works well when thanking coworkers. It’ll let them know that you’re grateful they were able to provide you with something that helps you to improve your work.
Also, it can work quite well when sending a text message. You don’t have to limit yourself to emails with this phrase.
After all, it’s conversational yet sincere. That’s what makes it such a helpful choice when showing genuine appreciation for someone’s input.
You can review this email sample to learn more about how it works:
Hi Martin,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this.
I always know I can count on you to be brutally honest when I need it!
Duncan Smith
Also, check out the following message sample to learn how to use “thanks for sharing your thoughts” in a sentence:
Well, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I’m happy to trust your ideas here and see what I can make of the situation.
Is It Correct to Say “Thank You for Your Input”?
It is correct to say “thank you for your input.” It’s a great formal choice that shows you’re happy to receive input or feedback from somebody.
Usually, this works best when you’ve already asked someone to provide you with input. It shows that you’re keen to hear their thoughts, so you’d like them to let you know what they think.
For instance:
Dear Ms. Bridges,
Thank you for your input on this.
I’ll be sure to take your comments on board and see what I can make of them.
All the best,
Joe Bradshaw
You can also use these extensions to mix things up:
- Thank you for your input on this matter
- Thank you for your input and suggestions
- Thank you for your input; I’ll keep that in mind
Each of these extensions shows the recipient exactly what you’re thanking them for. They’re more specific and direct.
Alternatively, you can change the way you thank people with these extensions:
- Thank you so much for your input
- Thank you, everyone, for your input
- Thank you in advance for your input
Don’t leave just yet! Make sure you bookmark this page to remind yourself of another way to say “thank you for your input.” Then, you can always come back to look through the synonyms.