11 Other Ways to Say “We Request Your Presence”

Are you trying to find the best way to ask someone to be present?

However, you’re slightly concerned that “we request your presence” is a bit forceful or bossy, right?

Well, you’ve come to the right place to learn more about it.

This article will show you how to invite someone professionally to an event.

Other Ways to Say “We Request Your Presence”

  • We would be honored for you to attend
  • We would love your company
  • Your attendance is requested
  • Your company is requested
  • We kindly ask for your presence
  • You are cordially invited
  • We would like you to be present
  • We are hoping you can join us
  • It would be our pleasure to have you
  • We extend an invitation for you to be here
  • We eagerly await your attendance


  • “We request your presence” is correct and professional, albeit slightly bossy and impersonal.
  • “We would be honored for you to attend” is a great formal synonym that’ll help you mix things up.
  • “We would love your company” is great as a more informal way to invite your friends or coworkers.

So, keep reading to learn another way to say “we request your presence.” We’ve touched on the best formal and informal options to show you what works best.

Also, you can read the final section to learn more about “we request your presence.” Then, you’ll know whether it’s correct and acceptable to include in your invitations.

We Would Be Honored for You to Attend (Formal)

A formal way to say “we request your presence” is “we would be honored for you to attend.”

This works well in an event invitation because it’s polite and respectful. As synonyms go, this is a great way to humble your guests and show them that you want them to attend.

Try using it when hosting a business event. It’s a great way to invite esteemed guests when you’d like them to feel welcome.

Check out this invitation sample to learn a bit more:

Dear Esteemed Guests,

We would be honored for you to attend this event.

Please let us know whether you’ll be free on the day it’s happening.

Maximilian Cornforth

Of course, it also works well when hosting a wedding. Therefore, it’s worth exploring how to use this synonym in a wedding invitation, too.

For example:

Dear Martin,

I would be honored for you to attend my wedding.

It’s a big day for me, and I would be truly happy to have you there with me.

Carla Robinson

We Would Love Your Company (Informal)

You can also say “we would love your company” in a wedding invitation. This helps you to invite someone politely, as it shows that you’d be happy to have them there.

Generally, using “would love” shows just how much you care about the recipient showing up.

It suggests that it would make your day extra special. This is a great way to invite friends or close coworkers when you’d like them to attend a special day.

Feel free to review this wedding invitation sample to learn a bit more:

Dear Matilda,

We would love your company on our wedding day.

It certainly wouldn’t be the same without you there to support both of us.

All the best,
Lauren Andrews

You can also use this phrase for other events. It’s not only limited to weddings. Therefore, it’s worth knowing how it works in these cases.

For instance:

Dear Friends,

We would love your company during our party.

Please let one of us know whether you’re free to attend on the specified date.

Melissa Dickinson

Is It Correct to Say “We Request Your Presence”?

It is correct to say “we request your presence.” It’s a professional way to invite someone to an event (whether it’s private or professional).

However, the phrase itself is a bit bossy and impersonal. So, you can use it, but it might not be the best way to invite people you already have a good relationship with.

Nevertheless, check out the following invitation sample to learn more about it:

Dear Terry,

We request your presence at our wedding on Friday.

We would certainly appreciate your company, as you’re one of our closest friends.

Damian and Greta Morley

Also, the following extensions will help you to explore other options in your writing:

  • We request your presence at our wedding
  • We request your presence at the meeting
  • May we request your presence?
  • We humbly request your presence
  • We request the honor of your presence

Don’t go just yet! Ensure you’ve bookmarked this page before you leave. Then, you’ll be able to come back here to remind yourself of what to say instead of “we request your presence.”