18 Synonyms for “Be a Part of”

Are you looking for other ways to say “be a part of” professionally?

Maybe you’re worried the phrase itself is a bit informal or insincere.

Well, you’ve come to the right place to learn a bit more about it.

After all, this article will teach you what to say instead of “be a part of.”

Other Ways to Say “Be a Part of”

  • Contribute to
  • Join
  • Engage in
  • Participate in
  • Take part in
  • Associate with
  • Collaborate in
  • Share in
  • Become involved in
  • Play a role in
  • Be involved in
  • Enlist in
  • Partner with
  • Align with
  • Belong to
  • Be included in
  • Connect with
  • Integrate into


  • “Be a part of” is correct and shows that you’d like someone to get involved with something.
  • Try using “contribute to” as a formal synonym if you think that’s more suitable to your written needs.
  • You can use “join” as a more informal alternative to suggest that someone gets involved with something.

So, keep reading to learn how to say “be a part of” professionally and conversationally. We’ve touched on the best examples in both situations to help you understand more.

Alternatively, you can skip to the final section to learn whether “be a part of” is correct. It might be worth skipping ahead now if this is more appropriate to what you’d like to learn.

Contribute to (Formal)

For a more professional way to say “be a part of,” you may want to use “contribute to.”

Generally, this is an excellent way to talk to a new employee.

It shows that you’re happy for them to contribute to your team and you want to welcome them personally on board.

For the most part, it keeps things respectful and sincere. So, you really can’t go wrong when using something like this in your writing.

Also, you should review the following sample email to learn a bit more about it:

Dear Harry,

We would be so happy if you could contribute to our team.

Your resume speaks volumes, and we’re certain you’ll be a great fit for us.

All the best,
Jonathan Wooley

This phrase isn’t suitable only for emails, though.

You can also use it when writing a resume. It might be a good way to show that you’ve already contributed to something in a professional capacity and are proud of the work you’ve put in.

So, you may want to review the following example to learn more about it:

I’m happy that I was able to contribute to this company. It helped me to understand a lot more about what I wanted to achieve.

Join (Informal)

You can also write “join” as another way to say “be a part of.”

Naturally, this is a one-word alternative, so it comes across as a bit more friendly and inclusive.

You can use something like this when talking to a new colleague. It’s a helpful way to welcome them to the company if they’re happy being a part of the team.

You can also review the following email sample to learn a bit more about it:

Hey Timmy,

I’m glad you could join us at this office.

I can’t wait to get to know you more, as I’m sure you’ll be a great fit here.

All the best,
Johnson Marker

You can also use this when writing an essay. It’s often a good way to replace “be a part of” when you’d like to talk about how you joined something to make it better.

So, you can check out the following essay sample to learn a bit more about it:

I joined the team because I knew I’d have some great input. They were more than happy to hear what I had to say.

Is It Correct to Say “Be a Part of”?

It is correct to say “be a part of.”

You can use it when you’d like someone to get involved with something, especially in formal capacities.

You might also want to review this email example to learn more about it:

Dear Team,

I would like you all to be a part of this event because it reflects on all of us.

Please let me know who will be able to attend.

Ryan Dunkirk

You should also understand how to write the phrase. For example, you can look at the following to learn common mistakes:

  • Correct: Be a part of
  • Incorrect: Be part of
  • Incorrect: Be apart of

You should always keep “a part” in the phrase, but make sure it’s two separate words.

We also recommend using these extensions to mix things up:

  • Be a part of the journey
  • Be a part of the team
  • Be a part of the company
  • Be a part of something bigger

As you can see, they all add something after the phrase. This helps you to establish what you’d like someone to be a part of.

You should also bookmark this page before you leave. After all, you never know when you might need to come back here to remind yourself of the best synonyms for “be a part of.”