13 Other Ways to Say “Coming Soon”

So, you’re looking for an appropriate way to say that something is coming soon.

However, you’re a little concerned that the phrase itself is a bit unprofessional or impolite.

Luckily, we’re here to help!

This article will teach you creative ways to say “coming soon” to help spice up your writing.

Other Ways to Say “Coming Soon”

  • Arriving shortly
  • On the horizon
  • Imminent
  • In the pipeline
  • Upcoming
  • In the works
  • On the way
  • Soon to be released
  • Just around the corner
  • In progress
  • En route
  • To be revealed
  • About to launch


  • “Coming soon” is correct when you want to tease someone about the upcoming release of something.
  • Try “arriving shortly” as a more professional way to say that something is on its way.
  • You can write “on the horizon” as an informal alternative when showing that something is coming.

Keep reading to learn the best ways to say “coming soon” in different contexts. We’ve explored more about the best formal and informal phrases to help you with this.

Also, the final section will teach you whether “coming soon” is correct. So, you can skip ahead to learn whether it’s appropriate to include it in your writing.

Arriving Shortly (Formal)

A professional way to say “coming soon” is “arriving shortly.” This is a good formal synonym that shows something is on its way.

Generally, you can use it when keeping customers informed about upcoming products. It reminds them that something won’t take much longer to come out, so they should get excited.

It’s good to do this with customers, both old and new. After all, it’s a marketing strategy that keeps demand high for all of your products.

Also, it helps to reach out to customers via email. The more you reach out, the more they remember you and what your company is able to offer them.

You should check out this example if you still need help with it:

Dear Mrs. Smith,

Remember that this range will be arriving shortly.

We certainly hope you don’t miss the opportunity to get on this!

Best regards,
Maxine Willis

Alternatively, this commercial sample might help you to explore other options:

We’re excited that this product will be arriving shortly, and we hope you’re just as excited as we are!

On the Horizon (Informal)

You can use “on the horizon” as a cool way to say “coming soon.” This synonym is more informal and works well in conversational or casual situations.

As far as synonyms go, this will be a great way to sound more personable and approachable to customers.

It lets them know that something new and exciting is on its way. Most customers will be a lot more invested in something if they think it’s worth getting for themselves, after all.

You can check out this email sample to learn more about how it might work:

Hi Guys,

We’re so excited about this new product that’s on the horizon.

Please click on the link to our website if you’re interested in learning more about it.

The Shake Shack

It’s also good to review the following message sample to see what you could send to customers:

We have a lot of exciting changes on the horizon. We’re ready to share them with you, but are you ready to hear them?

Is It Correct to Say “Coming Soon”?

It is correct to say “coming soon.” It’s effective because it shows that you’re teasing someone about the imminent arrival of a product or change.

For instance, you can use it when writing to customers about new products. It lets them know that you’re about to release a new range for them to enjoy.

You can review this sample email to learn more about it:

Dear Customers,

We have something very exciting coming soon that we think you’ll love.

Let us know if you’d like to hear more about it.

All the best,
Ryan Howard

You can also use it when emailing employees about workplace changes. Generally, this works well when you’re trying to excite them or remind them that things are happening.

You should review this example email to help you understand more about it:

Dear Team,

I’m excited about the changes that are coming soon.

I’ve attached a document that should clear things up about what to expect.

All the best,
Sarah Marie

Before you go, you should bookmark this page. Then, you can always come back here to remind yourself of another way to say “coming soon” when you need it.