10 Other Ways to Say “This Is Because”

So, you keep using “this is because” in your essay and want a better alternative. After all, you don’t want to sound repetitive in academic writing because you want your work to get you the best grades.

Luckily, this article is here to help. We’ve gathered the best synonyms showing you what to say instead of “this is because.”

Other Ways to Say “This Is Because”

  • The reason is
  • After all
  • Since
  • Simply because
  • Because
  • Due to
  • This is due to
  • Due, in part, to
  • With thanks to
  • As a result of


  • “This is because” is suitable in essays, but it’s far too common and overused.
  • “The reason is” gives you another way to write it and mix things up formally.
  • You could say “after all” in informal essays to keep things interesting.

Read on to learn more about these synonyms. We’ve explained how the best variations work and all you need to know before writing them yourself.

We’ve also touched on whether “this is because” is correct. You can skip to the final section if you’d like to learn more about it.

The Reason Is (Formal)

“The reason is” is a great formal alternative to “this is because.” You should use it in an essay to explain the reason behind a choice from the previous sentence.

You will always start a sentence with “the reason is.” It needs to follow straight from the previous sentence for it to make sense.

Generally, you’ll write “the reason is” when trying to explain your methods in academic writing. It helps the reader to follow along with your ideas and understand your thought process behind something.

You can use “the reason is” instead of “this is because” in most written contexts. It’s not as overused, making it slightly more effective. However, we do recommend switching between them to keep your writing as interesting as possible.

Check out these essay sentence examples to show you how it works:

We did not account for all of the variables. The reason is that we thought the results would be too skewed.

I made sure to check for errors. The reason is that so many other experiments went wrong before they even began.

After All (Informal)

“After all” is a great informal alternative to “this is because.” You can use it conversationally or when you do not need a formal writing tone in an essay.

Generally, you should only use “after all” once or twice in your writing. The more you use it, the less impact it has. It’s a great way to explain a choice from the previous sentence, but you should only do it a handful of times.

“After all” is also an introductory clause. Therefore, you must place a comma after the phrase whenever it starts a sentence.

We don’t recommend using “after all” in formal essays or academic writing, though. “This is because” is still more effective in formal situations. “After all” should only apply to informal ones.

These examples will help you understand more about it:

I tried to find the most effective way to complete the task. After all, that would give me the best results for the situation.

There were a few errors along the way. After all, it’s not a foolproof system. I left a lot up to chance.

Is It Correct to Say “This is Because”?

“This is because” is correct and acceptable. However, you should avoid using it too much. It is overused, which can be problematic when you want to explain yourself in formal writing.

Generally, people reading your essay will find a phrase like “this is because” boring. It doesn’t add anything special to your academic writing. You should avoid using it more than once (or avoid it entirely since there are so many good alternatives).

You need to punctuate it correctly, though. For example:

  • Correct: I did it like this. This is because I wanted to.
  • Incorrect: I didn’t listen. This is because, there was no reason to.

Writers do get confused with the comma placement of “this is because.” It is not an introductory clause. Therefore, it does not need a comma after it. You should avoid placing one.

Feel free to bookmark this page to remind yourself of the best synonyms for “this is because.” Then, you’ll always have something useful to replace it with in formal writing.