16 Business Synonyms for “Roll Out”

Are you looking for the best business synonyms for “roll out”?

Perhaps you’re worried that the phrase itself is overly informal or insincere.

Well, it’s a good thing you came across our article.

We will teach you how to say “roll out” at work to ensure you hit the right tone.

Other Ways to Say “Roll Out”

  • Launch
  • Introduce
  • Unveil
  • Release
  • Debut
  • Initiate
  • Implement
  • Deploy
  • Present
  • Commence
  • Start
  • Unleash
  • Kick off
  • Begin
  • Instigate
  • Integrate


  • “Roll out” is correct, but it’s better to use it in more informal or casual contexts.
  • “Launch” is a great formal synonym that’ll help you to mix things up in your emails.
  • Try “introduce” for something a bit more casual that will work in looser business contexts.

Keep reading to learn another word for “roll out.” We’ve explained more regarding the best formal and informal options. That way, you can cover all possible contexts.

Also, you may want to read more about whether “roll out” is correct. For that, you can skip to the final section to learn whether it’s something you should include in your writing.

Launch (Formal)

For a more professional way to say “roll out,” you may want to write “launch.”

This will allow you to talk about plans or projects that you will bring to fruition soon. It works whenever something is about to be rolled out, and you want people to be made aware.

For instance, you can use this when bulk emailing customers.

It’s an excellent way to be informative and direct about what’s to come. It also helps to build customers’ enthusiasm and confidence in your company.

You can also check out these email samples to learn a bit more about using it:

Dear Customers,

We have an exciting new range to launch in the next quarter.

Please make sure you’re subscribed to our emails to be updated about what’s coming.

All the best,
Hillary Blessing

Dear All,

We hope you’re just as excited as we are for the launch of our new service.

If you have any questions about it before it goes ahead, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Yuri Baines

Introduce (Informal)

You can also write “introduce” as another term for “roll out.”

This works really well when you are rolling out a project. It suggests that you’d like to welcome something new into the workplace and you want people to get excited about it.

For the most part, this is great to use when sharing news with employees.

It can work really well as an informative yet friendly way to get people’s attention and get them excited about the things coming.

Also, you may want to review the following email sample to learn more:

Hey Team,

We’re really excited to introduce some of these new services to our customers.

We hope you’re ready to start encouraging everyone to buy these.

All the best,
Jonathan Stone

You can also use something like this when writing a business plan.

It allows you to explain what you want to achieve with your business and products.

Again, it’s still quite informal. So, it works best when you work for a more casual company.

Feel free to review this example to learn a bit more about what we mean:

We are eager to introduce some revolutionary ideas to our target market. They won’t have seen anything like this before.

Is It Correct to Say “Roll Out”?

It is correct to say “roll out.”

However, it is not professional. Instead, it’s better to use something like this in informal or casual circumstances.

Don’t get us wrong; it still works in business contexts.

For instance, you might come across something like this when creating marketing information for customers.

You can review this example to learn how to use “roll out” in a sentence:

We are about to roll out our brand-new invention! We certainly can’t wait for you all to get your hands on it.

Before using the phrase, though, there are a few things you need to know.

First of all, you have to understand the hyphen rules.

You should not hyphenate the phrase. It’s only correct to use “roll out” as two words, as it’s a verb used to describe launching something.

Check out the following to remind you:

  • Correct: We are going to roll out this product.
  • Incorrect: We need to roll-out the service.

Also, you cannot write it as one word, meaning that “rollout” is incorrect. It’s always correct to write it as a two-word verb.

For example:

  • Correct: When are you going to roll out the changes?
  • Incorrect: We should rollout the information soon.

Finally, make sure you bookmark this page! Then, you can remind yourself of the best synonyms for “roll out.” You never know when they might come in handy again!