17 Synonyms for “Hard Skills” on Your Resume

Do you want to know how to say you have “hard skills” on a resume?

Of course, you might worry that the phrase is informal or overused.

So, it’s probably quite lucky that you came across this article!

After all, we’ll teach you what to call “hard skills” on a resume.

Hard Skills Synonyms

  • Practical knowledge
  • Specific competencies
  • Expertise
  • Technical skills
  • Job-specific abilities
  • Proficiency
  • Technical know-how
  • Quantifiable skills
  • Concrete skills
  • Technical proficiencies
  • Job-related skills
  • Industry-specific skills
  • Specialized knowledge
  • Task-oriented skills
  • Technical competencies
  • Skill set
  • Quantitative skills


  • “Hard skills” is not a good resume phrase, as it doesn’t allow you to specify what you can bring to the table.
  • “Practical knowledge” is often a great way to describe hard skills when you think they’re relevant.
  • Try “specific competencies” to demonstrate that you have specific knowledge and understanding of a situation.

You should keep reading to learn another word for “hard skills.” We’ve touched on two of the best synonyms above to give you a clearer picture of how they might work in your CV.

Also, the final section will explain whether “hard skills” is a good resume phrase. So, you can always skip ahead if you think this is more relevant to you.

Practical Knowledge

You may want to use “practical knowledge” in your resume. It’s a better word for “hard skills” that gets your point across quickly.

After all, it’s formal and direct. So, it shows that you have plenty of hands-on experience and practical application in the workplace.

For the most part, this is impressive to most employers.

Practical knowledge only applies when you’ve physically done something before. So, if you know you can relate it to the job you’re applying for, there’s no reason not to bring it up.

You should also check out these resume samples to learn a bit more about using it:

I’ve got a lot of practical knowledge related to this field. That’s why I’m certain this is the perfect fit for me.

My practical knowledge came from my previous role, and I’m ready to take on new challenges to learn more.

Specific Competencies

Another way to say “hard skills” is “specific competencies.”

Sure, this phrase feels a bit more long-winded, but it’s also a professional way to show that you have plenty of hard skills to bring to the table.

For the most part, this keeps things direct and to the point.

It quickly establishes that you have specific skills relating to the job you’ve applied for.

Therefore, you should use this when you want to improve your chances of securing an interview. You really can’t go wrong with it, after all.

It’s also smart to review these examples to learn a bit more about it:

I have specific competencies that will help me to stand out against my peers. I know most of my coworkers don’t have this experience.

My specific competencies allow me to pick things up in this sector quite quickly. I will require less training.

Is “Hard Skills” a Good Resume Phrase?

Unfortunately, “hard skills” is not a good resume phrase.

It’s not something people often write in their resumes, so it doesn’t make much sense to include it yourself.

That’s why we recommend using one of the synonyms we’ve already touched on. There are plenty of ways to explain your hard skills by being more specific.

Still, you can review these examples to learn how to use “hard skills” in a sentence:

I have a lot of hard skills that I developed over time from my previous workplace. I’m very proud of what I bring to the table now.

My hard skills developed quickly. I’m sure there’s plenty more to learn, and I’m always willing to try new techniques.

Of course, it’s important to mention hard skills if they relate to the job you apply for.

However, you should be more specific than saying “hard skills.” It’s always better to explain exactly how your hard skills might relate to the job in question.

Also, don’t forget to bookmark this page before you leave us! Then, you can remind yourself of the best synonyms for “hard skills” to ensure your resume is as good as it can be.